SPJ Region 10 has announced a week-long deadline extension for SPJ Region 10's Northwest Excellence in Journalism Contest.

The new and final deadline is Thursday, March 4, at 11:59 PM.

We've gotten a ton of messages from folks these last few days. We're happy to see this amount of enthusiasm, and we look forward to getting more submissions over the next week.

Some of you have raised some great points that have led to minor changes to category descriptions:

  • Editorial / Commentary originally asked for three entries from a single writer or editorial board. Since Column essentially asks for the same thing (three entries from a single columnist), we've changed this description to read: "A commentary or personal essay by one author or editorial board that demonstrates critical commentary or group editorial work. Can submit up to three related pieces." We hope this makes room for the amazing personal essays we've seen published across the Northwest last year.

  • Series: We've added a descriptor clarifying that multi-year series should be submitted according to the year that they concluded.

Thank you for staying in touch! If you have more questions, you can email us at

SPJ Oregon