How is the coronavirus impacting your reporting?

Not often do we have a breaking news story that is both global and local simultaneously. Journalists across the country and the world are working tirelessly to keep the public informed about the rapidly developing novel coronavirus, and it’s exhausting. But we have much more reporting ahead of us.

We here at SPJ Oregon have a few things to remind you, fellow journalists in Oregon and southwest Washington, as we prepare for another week of exploring how this pandemic is impacting our communities.

First off: we've got your back.

SPJ Oregon has a few resources that you can apply for, including the layoff fund for those who have been furloughed during the crisis. 

If you’re looking for ways cover this global pandemic on a local level, the Lenfest Institute has a great list of resources and ideas for local newsrooms.

Pace yourself

This crisis is impacting almost every facet of our daily lives, so there are a lot of stories to tell. It might be tempting to stretch ourselves thin and work overtime. Remember to keep your life in balance and pace yourself. Chances are we’ll be at this for a while.

If you’re feeling stressed out and just need someone to talk to, send me an email.

Events have been postponed

We’re deeply sorry to those of you who planned on attending our training conference in Bend, or the SPJ Region 10 conference in Seattle. Both have been postponed for the time being. We will keep you all updated by email and on our website when we reschedule.

Be safe

Remember that social distancing isn’t just to protect yourself, it’s to protect the people around you. Be mindful of healthy practices when you’re out there reporting. Do interviews by phone when possible, maintain at least a 3 foot radius between yourself and other people, and go extra lengths to show that you’ve got their safety in mind. It goes without saying: wash your hands regularly, sanitize your reporting equipment, don’t touch your face, and STAY HOME if you’re sick. 

Again, feel free to reach out to me personally or the SPJ Oregon board if you need advice, reporting ideas, resources, or just another journalist to talk to. While we might be physically distancing ourselves, we’re still in this together.


April Ehrlich
SPJ Oregon
Vice President

SPJ Oregon